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A DEER A HORSE (usa) ...from Brooklyn / New...

Datum: 11.04.2025

...from Brooklyn / New York City.
Sludge Metal, Doom, Experimental Rock, Alternative Metal, Grunge, Stoner

Will come back to Europe in spring 2025! They are a super heavy blast. They just released their new album "TEXAS MATH" via Rookie Records on September 27th.
Yes, what they do and how they do it is pure energy. If you need to put the im a genre: Sludge Metal, Doom, Experimental Rock, Alternative Metal, Grunge, Stoner...and all with more groove where you wouldn't expect it.


Juri-Gagarin-Ring 140a
99084 Erfurt

E-Mail: info [BEI] museumskeller [PUNKT] de
Telefon: 0361/5 62 49 94

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