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☠️ Patti Smith Punk rock poet with two...

Datum: 10.07.2024

☠️ Patti Smith
Punk rock poet with two concerts in Paradiso


Max Euweplein 28
1017 Amsterdam (Holland)

E-Mail: productiehuis [BEI] paradiso [PUNKT] nl
Telefon: 020- 7960077

Weitere Konzerte am 10.07.2024:

10.07.2024: ☠️Hi Fi SPITFIRES Punk Rock / UK CHAOS 8 Chaos Punk Rock / UK (Dresden)
10.07.2024: Tems Born In The Wild Tour (Köln)
10.07.2024: ☠️Hemlock/Holzen Hard Core aus Las Vegas/ Heavy Metal aus BS (Braunschweig)
10.07.2024: ☠️Escuela Grind Mix aus Hardcore Punk und Grindcore + Ação Direta (Karlsruhe)
10.07.2024: Krashkarma " (Rock - USA) feat.: Ralf von WIZO " +Guest " (Berlin)
10.07.2024: SABBAT & GRUESOME (München)
10.07.2024: Lee Fields Soul · Funk · r&b (Amsterdam (Holland))
10.07.2024: Wolfmother + The Picturebooks Een brug tussen de sludge van Led... (Haarlem (Holland))
10.07.2024: ☠️Jenny Don't And The SpursUSA Hezekiah ProcterCAN Western... (Groningen (Holland))
10.07.2024: ICE NINE KILLS Plus Special Guests (München)

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